Supporting charities

St Gregory's community foodbank

We provide a food bank for families in our school community and those who attend sports clubs at St Gregory's during the school holidays.

As a Faith school  we  keep the Catholic Social teachings are at the heart of our school community. This common vision and sense of belonging to a wider community highlights the diversity of people's needs. It encourages the children to think about their social and moral responsibility in community engagement and allows them to make a positive contribution.

Responding to need emphasises our mission of 'Loving and Learning', brings the school into contact with the wider community, either in the contribution the school makes or the partnerships that are formed. Through our focus on the Catholic Social teaching, it is an expectation that each person in the school community grows as an individual and in their relationships with other people making them better world citizens.

At St. Gregory's we do at lot of fundraising for many different charities. Children and staff are aware that all the fundraising we do can make a difference to people's lives. We are making a positive contribution to the community by spreading our kindness and love.

  • Father Hudson's Caritas
  • Poppy Appeal (November appeal)
  • Reverse Advent calendar (Father Hudson's charity)
  • World Down Syndrome day
  • Black Country food bank (Harvest donations)

These are just a few of the charities that we will raise funds for, there are also others throughout the year. The Chaplaincy team and Mini Vinnies wil lead on the charities we raise money for this year.



Jubilee Year charity support

We attended the Jubilee Year launch assembly on 24.1.2025, during the assembly we were all asked to: Pray, take part in social action and to fund raise for Father Hudson's Caritas. The Mini Vinnie Group and Chaplaincy Team will meet in February 2025 to plan and promote fund raising events. On Friday 14th February 2025 all staff in the Emmaus Mac are meeting and making personal donations to the charity. More details to follow about forth coming fund raising events.

Reverse Advent calendar December 2024

The chaplaincy team made posters to advertise the reverse Advent calendar, as a school we collected over 160 toiletry  items. 

Harvest 2024

The Mini Vinnies started the year by promoting our Harvest collection in support of the wider community, The Black Country foodbank. Thank you to everyone in our school community who donated food and personal hygiene products.

Save the children, December 2023

The Mini Vinnies promoted Save the children Christmas jumper day in December 2023. Children and staff made donations online in exchange for wearing a jumper of their choice for the day.

Harvest 2023

Thank you to everybody who supported our Harvest celebration on 26th October 2023. We were very lucky to have a collective worship led by Brian Martin from CAFOD. The Mini Vinnies are delighted to announce that £130 was raised from voluntary donations. The Mini Vinnie group are meeting this week to decide on which World gifts to purchase, they will take into consideration the preferences made by families when they make their final decision. 

Harvest 2022

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