Welcome to St Gregory’s
Loving and Learning
We love all those with whom we come into contact as taught to us by Jesus through the Gospels.
We learn to the best of our ability and serve others using our God-given talents.
It is with immense pleasure and pride that I welcome you to St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School, Bearwood. We are proud to be a Catholic school and a member of Emmaus Catholic Multi Academy Company (MAC) where we serve the families of the parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel and St Gregory’s and the wider Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham. We also welcome families of all faiths and those with no faith. Everyone is welcome in our school family! We strive to create a family atmosphere where all children feel safe, loved and are therefore ready to learn, do their best and reach their full potential.
Our motto of ‘loving and learning’ drives all that we do at St Gregory’s:
As Saint Gregory himself once said: ‘The proof of love is in the works.’ Not only do our children learn about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, but they also put Gospel Values and Catholic Social Teachings into action through their thoughts, words and actions both inside and outside of school. We want our children to learn how to love one another during their journey at St Gregory’s and to leave us in Year 6 as fully rounded young people who are academically, spiritually, socially and emotionally ready to go out into the world and make it a better place.
At St Gregory’s we aim to foster a rich culture of learning throughout the school. Our curriculum is broad, balanced and ambitious, with a focus on teaching progressive knowledge and skills that will give every child, every chance to succeed. Our talented staff are passionate, driven and, through research-based teaching techniques, provide children with the tools that they need to be powerful learners so that they can bring out the best in themselves. We want our children to be inspired by our immersive curriculum and to develop strong levels of determination, resilience and belief in themselves. We then look forward to sharing in and celebrating their achievements both in the short term (day-to-day) and when they return to visit us as happy and successful adults in the future.
Please feel free to explore our website to find out more about our happy, vibrant school. If you still have questions after this, or are interested in visiting us in person, please do not hesitate to contact the school office on 0121 429 4609 or via email at enquiry_gre@emmausmac.com.
We look forward to hearing from you and introducing you to our fantastic staff and pupils.
Best wishes and God bless,
Mr Kevin Brown
Principal of St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School