Never be afraid to reach out for help!
"Give to those who ask, and don't refuse those who wish to borrow from you." Matthew 5:42
All families and children will experience all sorts of challenges that they may need further support with. We recognise that parenting can be difficult and we are here to offer the support you need, when you need it. We have lots of support available for you to access, both internally within school and with the support of Sandwell. A adults, you may also experience times whereby you need your own personal support. We are always here to help and guide you.
The earlier you share your concerns, the easier it will be to put the right support mechanisms in place for you and your family.
At St Gregory's we work with a number of agencies to support our families, including the Early Help Assessment Team at Sandwell. Our team of internal staff are always here to support you and your children. You can make direct contact with us at any time, and we will never cast judgement on concerns raised.
Mr Kevin Brown (Principal, Designated safeguarding lead)
Mrs Nuala Levack (Vice Principal, Deputy Designated safeguarding lead)
Miss Kerri Vanstone (EYFS Lead, Deputy Designated safeguarding lead)
Mr Richard Heard (Maths lead, Year 6 teacher, deputy designated safeguarding lead)
Mrs Claudia Fioravanti (before and after school club, deputy safeguarding lead
You can also contact the Sandwell Early Help team directly on 0121 569 3100.
Some of the agencies we work with in school, who you, and/or school can contact include:
Strengthening Families Service - Sandwell Children's Trust (
Family Information Service Hub | Triple P Parenting Programme in West Bromwich (
Family Information Service Hub | Reflexions (
There are also many other agencies within Sandwell, who we can signpost you to, or you can reach out to independently for support:
Home - Black Country Food Bank
Family Information Service Hub | Family Support (
Home - Black Country Women's Aid
Family Information Service Hub | Respect - Men's domestic abuse advice line (
Family Information Service Hub | Money, Welfare and Benefits (
Sandwell Mental Health Liaison Service :: Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust