Fr Peter is working with the parish and school to develop a strong spiritual path for everyone in our community. He leads weekly Mass at school, parishioners, parents and carers are invited to attend and share the celebration with us. Please refer to the school diary where details will be updated regularly. Masse are prepared and led by all classes.
On Thursday 10th October, Fr Peter led a blessing service for all the children in Reception class, their families and their Year 6 buddies. Following the service parents and carers had the opportunity to meet the Year 6 buddies then socialise with other parents and carers whilst enjoying tea and coffee.
On 2nd October, the feast day of the guardian Angel, we held a short prayer service and information meeting for families of children preparing for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Fr Peter and staff shared information on the meaning of the sacraments and how the children are preparing in school for these next steps in their faith journey.
On Thursday 6th September 2024 Year 6 pupils joined Fr Peter in the parish church, as representatives of the school in a memorial Mass for Fr Cownley.
We welcomed Fr Peter to school on Thursday 18th July 2024 when he shared a class worship with Year 6 discussing their roles as disciples of Christ on the next step of their journey as they start secondary school.
September 2023: It was with great sadness that we shared the news that Fr Cownley passed away. We, as a school community will keep him in our hearts and prayers and remember the 22 years of service which he gave to this parish. The requiem Mass for Fr Cownley was held in the parish church on 12th October 2023 at 12pm. On Thursday 11th December a Mass of remembrance was held in school, children from Year 6 read the readings and representatives from Classes 1 to 6 shared a prayer of remembrance for Fr Cownley.
St. Gregory's is a Catholic School and teaching is given in accordance with the doctrine of the Catholic Church.
We view religious education as a journey of faith formation involving every member of the school community, together with the pupil's family and parish community. The school has received a leading aspect award for this initiative.
This religious ethos is to be found across the whole curriculum and not just within the formal RE timetable. Religious Education is a core subject in its own right in the school curriculum and as such is taught, developed and resourced with the same commitment as any other subject.
There is no provision to withdraw children from the formal RE provision within school.
Throughout the school children are encouraged to serve others as Jesus did. There are many opportunities for this including being part of Mini Vinnies, the school council, organising charity events and supporting charity events whilst developing an understanding of the impact of charity on our local, national and international family.
Children are developing the skills for leading liturgical worship and prayer services in whole school collective worship and individual classes. The school uses The Ten:Ten resource to support this. The importance and reverence devoted to liturgy and prayer is modelled by all staff throughout the school.
Our Lady of Good Counsel and St Gregory the Great Church
Three Shires Oak Road
B67 5BT
Telephone: 0121 429 1743