December 2024 until January 2026 is a Jubilee year. On Friday 24th January 2025, we will join in the live stream assembly launching the Jubilee year. Details of activities we will be involved in to celebrate this jubilee year will follow after the assembly.

Jubilee Year launch assembly 24th January 2025

In order to celebrate and commemorate the Jubilee Year 2025, Pilgrims of Hope, CAFOD commissioned an icon from artist Mulugeta Araya in Ethiopia, for the Catholic Church in England and Wales.

Ethiopia was chosen because of the strong tradition of iconography within the country and to demonstrate that this is a global Jubilee - not just something that is happening in England and Wales.


Jubilee Year Icon at St Gregory's School, on Wednesday 22nd January 2025 . We were privileged to host the icon and provided opportunities for every class to spend time reflecting on the icon along with inviting, parishioners, local school groups, parents and carers into school to see the icon. Click on the link to find out more about the talented artist and the significance of each item in the painting.

Mulugeta Araya, 30, is an artist and an engineer who studied at St Mary's College, Wukro, in Ethiopia, which is supported by CAFOD.

St Mary's offers vocational training for young people in agriculture, IT and accounting as well as the arts. The college also takes part in programmes to improve food security, the supply of water, and emergency response in the area.

Tigray, the region in northern Ethiopia where the artist lives, is experiencing armed conflict, which has forced hundreds of thousands of people to leave their homes. Increasing droughts, irregular rains and poor soil mean many families are struggling to get enough to eat.

This is particularly relevant given the Jubilee Year's focus on those struggling with poverty. The challenges of painting an icon in this situation inspire us to reflect on the Jubilee text and this icon in a new light.

Remembrance Day 2024

Reception Class blessing service

In October, Fr Peter led a blessing service where he welcomed all the children and families in Reception Class to our school community. He blessed Mr Brown and Miss Vanstone's hands then blessed all the children and families. Following the service, parents and carers spent time with the Year 6 buddies. Each child in Reception has a buddy who guides and supports them through their Reception Class year. During the blessing service, each Year 6 buddy presented their Reception Class friend with a wooden holding cross to support them in prayer. The children made Fr Peter a thank you card. 

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